My Primitive Cocktail is a place to discuss alternative treatments for HIV. I support those who only use "Western" medicine but wanted to share natural solutions that have worked for me. I encourage others to share their success stories with natural treatments including natural supplements, nutrition, acupuncture, Reike, etc. I want this blog to be a solution-focused site so please refrain from negative comments. We each have our own path.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Current Regimen

Since being off med's I've tried many different supplements. And the one supplement that I can say has truly worked is Olive Leaf. I've changed my regimen many times, but have never taken out Olive Leaf. I've used OLE (Olive Leaf Extract) along with other natural supplements that claim to have antiviral qualities, and seems I can never get my viral below 29,000. But keep in mind OLE brought my viral load down from 200,000 to the lowest of 29,000. And has kept it around that for 4 years now. So that shows it does work...

If you were to read up on the benefits of OLE for HIV, you would see that HIV can not become resistant because of the manner in which it works. And not only can OLE reduce your viral load, it has also been shown to boost the immune system. But with using OLE, you need to make sure you buy a brand yielding 17% to 23% pharmaceutical grade Oleuropein. 17% to 23% is the highest I've come across. 

I recently found another supplement that has made a significant impact on my T-cell count. Between July 2010 & April 2011 my T-cell count dropped from 850 to 599. I began to panic and started researching. I then came across an ultra strength powder form of Cell Forte's IP-6 & Inositol. I had used IP-6 & Inositol in the past, but in a lower dose pill form. So, on April 21, 2011 I began using Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol Ultra Strength Powder. On June 20, 2011 I went for my lab work and found my T-cells went from 599 to 845. I was ecstatic! ...So I'll be keeping IP-6 with Inositol in my regimen and hope that my numbers from my lab work was not just a fluke. (I'll be letting you know at the end of October..)

You'll see in my current regimen that I'm taking Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength. It's a new supplement I just added in June. I recently read that "Chondroitin sulfate has been shown to inhibit reproduction of certain viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, by blocking the viral ability to infect a cell. In HIV specifically, chondroitin sulfate interferes with reverse transcriptase, a protein enzyme of the virus. Glucosamine shows similar activity."

So I'm hoping that the Osteo Bi-Flex might help bring my viral load down  even lower. I am taking 1 pill more than the bottle suggests, but I feel pretty safe after reading that there aren't many side effects from higher doses.. Or I should say I haven't felt any that they've mentioned. If anything, it'll help with my aching knees.. lol

Here is my current regimen, as of April 21, 2011. Each supplement below is linked to a site that I've found (at the present time) to have the best price. I personally use Whole Foods & Vitamin Shoppe.

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength: 3 capsules a day (Glucosamine: 2250mg - Chondroitin/MSM: 1875mg)

EGCG Green Tea Leaf Extract: 600mg 3x's a day

CoQ10: 1 capsule in a.m. 200mg

Vitamin C: 1000mg (2-stage, timed release) 2x's a day

ROEX Oleuropein: 1 gram in a.m., 500mg middle of day, 500mg @ night

Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol Ultra Strength Powder: 3 grams 2x's a day

Jarrow Formulas N-A-C sustain: 1 capsule in a.m. of 600mg  

Vitamin Shoppe Liquid Vitamin D3: 5000IU 1x a day


At the end of October will be my next lab work results. I'll then give an update, and will be curious to see if the Osteo Bi-Flex helps bring my viral load down even more.. Cross your fingers! :)


  1. That's a lot of great information! Thank you!

  2. First of all, welcome to the blogosphere, my friend! This is a great topic and I hope you will keep writing and sharing (it gets a little lonely when you're starting out, wondering if there's "anybody out there" reading you).

    I've been interested in doing a video blog highlighting people who have chosen not to take HIV medications, and are using alternative therapies instead. This blog has given me some good info, and thanks again.

    Mark S. King

  3. Congratulations on starting a blog. I don't see enough of this kind of info out there. With folks losing jobs and their insurance, and ADAP wait list and restrictions, it's nice to know there are potential solutions out there. I would love to see folks who can't "leave" Western meds, add natural supplements so they can maybe take less drugs and consequently have less side effects.
    Some of the supplements you listed help with other issues so it makes sense for folks to look into them. Olive leaf extract totally helps me when I have a herpes outbreak. Works quickly. I know a lot of poz folks who take EXPENSIVE Valtrex daily and for outbreaks. Wouldn't it be better to have less drugs in your system?! Thanks!

  4. I cant stress enough how important it is to go within and know yourself. Meditation, using Law of Attraction and basically understanding the Universal laws and feeling in control is such a big part of healing. HIV can make us feel under the thumb so to speak and out of control but its all a deceptive lie and we can turn all that around. :) Youre doing it now, just keep it up mate. This blog is really good and a powerful tool for yourself and others on a similar path.

  5. Right on Researcher.. So true, and thanks for the words of encouragement... Thanks to all of you ~

  6. Great info Otterley! ..I noticed your post on earth clinic. Very valuable, especially your specific approach and test work! I noticed you took Andrographis as well and recently saw a link between the
    diabetes drug Avandia helping to reverse lipoatrophy (in some patients)perhaps by stimulating PPAR-gamma protein which in effect promotes the healthy activity of adipocytes..fat cells... Turns out Andrographis does this as well... These are all little bits of the puzzle which one day may be a solid therapy & cure... Keep up the great work!

  7. @Anonymous: Thanks for visiting my blog & commenting! I've only read on the immune boosting & antiviral effects of Andrographis. And thanks so much on the new info about it! I'll have to look up that link.. I did read an article on Avandia a long time ago about possibly reversing lipoatrophy. But I think messing with a diabetic drug would scare me some.. lol.. But that'd be awesome that Andrographis might have the same effect!.... Again, thanks for the info :)

  8. I am in the process of getting ready for my "natural regimen" myself. So far I've been taking Astragalus Powder, that I get from ebay.
    My CD4 count is quite high,well, I'd say a healthy normal one, and viral load undetectable.And that is due to the "coktail" I've been taking for the last 4 years.So I'm just waiting to gather more info on what should I exactly take. I know it's a slow process; there are so many things to take into account, because it's such a major step and we all don't want to mess up with our health.
    Anyway, I had to stop by and say hi; I've been doing my own research when I came across your blog; it was a positive thing, because it did cheer me up a bit.When we do some research it's invevitable that we bump into odd thoughts and odd sites, so to speak. Something that has the power to make our mood go from bright to gloomy.So reading your blog has had a positive contribution to my determination to find ways to cope with this unwanted present. Thank you.

  9. At Anonymous: Thanks for your post! And yeah, it's a bit scary going of the med's. But I knew I was positive for 4 years not on med's and my t-cells were at 1800 while my viral was at 200,000. So, I felt my body seemed to be a good fighter... That's why "I" felt safe enough to take this journey..

    Anyway, I'd definitely say Olive Leaf is a must.. But I'm still trying to find that second natural antiviral that just kicks the rest of my viral load down that the Olive Leaf isn't.. If ya find something let me know!! ~ and good luck to you :)
