My Primitive Cocktail is a place to discuss alternative treatments for HIV. I support those who only use "Western" medicine but wanted to share natural solutions that have worked for me. I encourage others to share their success stories with natural treatments including natural supplements, nutrition, acupuncture, Reike, etc. I want this blog to be a solution-focused site so please refrain from negative comments. We each have our own path.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blood Work Up Date! 2/20/12

These past 2 months were a bit crazy.. All on my part really. I can tend to be a hypochondriac. I’m now 40, so two months ago I felt I should have a real good physical... So.. I went worried about having my prostate checked. And everything was fine... No hernia... Blood pressure good.. Then because of my mom having polyps in her mid to late 30’s they felt it would be good for me to get a Colonoscopy. And I did mention to my doctor I had seen some blood around my stool 3 times in the last 3 years. So I just knew I had cancer.. 
So since I was going to be out on anesthesia during the Colonoscopy, I told them to give me a Endoscopy as well. I’ve always had Acid Reflux my whole life. I just wanted to check to see if I still had an esophagus. lol.. And of course I made the appointment for the procedure 1st thing in the morning. I knew I’d be starving.
By the day of the procedure I was just plain over it & wanting to know if I was all good, or had cancer.. I was so over stressing about it... So! Bada’ Bing ~ all was good. They found 1 polyp & it came back benign. He had told me that it might not had even been a real polyp. Maybe just a ruffed up area from cleaning out the day before. And the blood that I saw those 3 times was probably from the hemorrhoids.. (yeah, I found out I have hemorrhoids.. lol). My stomach results showed mild acid reflux. And he felt I didn’t need any prescription. Just Tums or Zantac when needed.
Exactly a week later I had my blood work taken for my HIV & cholesterol. And today (2 weeks later) I went for my results. My cholesterol, liver, kidneys, sugar, white cell count, etc was great. BUT my Tcell’s went from the 800’s to the high 600’s. And my Viral went from 26,449 (the lowest I had ever had it using all natural supplement’s) to 100,000... :( 
Hmm?... My numbers have been consistent for 5 years. I’m not worried about my Tcell’s, they’ve always bounced from the high 600’s to 800’s. And my viral has always bounce from 26,000’s up to 50,000 using natural supplements... I feel the big jump to 100,000 is from not being able to take my regimen the morning of my blood work because I needed to fast for the cholesterol test (It had been 9 hours since I took my regimen). And maybe also from being mega stressed from the colonoscopy/endoscopy procedure and possible results.. (I was SO stressed my face broke out)... and I had also read this: "Time of day, fatigue, and stress can also affect viral load values".... But, I feel the number jump was more from the fasting for the test. ~ 
So anyway, I’m not to worried. For the most part I’m pretty darn healthy :)
I go on April 2nd to get my blood work taken again. Then I get my results on April 9th. I’ll be talk’n to ya then! Hopefully with better results :)


  1. after 20 yrs of no meds and no problems, my partner is now very ill. it started slowly about 3 months ago but he hid all symptoms from me so i didn't know. we could have been seeing our acupuncturist and making appts w/appropriate docs. now 3 months later we are trying to play catch up as his health has gone from bad to worse. one doc we need to see is 2 hrs away but booked so far in advance we might have to take the much much longer drive to see a doc we trust several states away. his cd4 was less than 200 and his VL was about 65k the day they did his test(s). thank you for sharing ur story. it is inspirational.

  2. So sorry to hear about your partner.. :( ... I hope he get's on his feet soon. ~ Yeah, I go to the doctor every 3-4 months to keep tab's on my health. If my numbers were to fall where I needed to begin a drug regimen, then I would. But only until my numbers were back to good & stable. I'd then work towards all natural again. I'm glad drugs/med's are there, but I see them as a quick fix.

  3. May I ask what supplements you partner took all those years?

  4. i think it is great you have lasted so long on supplements but it might seriously be time you start seroiously considering proper hiv medications to control the virus so keep a close eye on your viral load and t-cell count.

    also keep in mind a high viral load makes you more infectious, and the viral load in your semen and anal mucosa will be alot higher than in your blood.

    even at 26,400 u have to keep in mind that this is your viral load per MICROLITRE of blood - and the virus penetrates other vital organs via the blood - the central nervous system and brain, spinal fluid, bones and bone marrow, heart, digestive organs, kidney and livers and many of these can be holding higher amounts of virus than in the blood.

    so although i do not wish to alarm you - your body has pretty much been riddled with an immune virus for the last 15 or so years and the burden of this will have a long term impact on the maintenance of vital organs as you age and make it easier for you to pass on the virus to sexual partners.

    certainly i recommend vitamins, a healthy diet and exercise as part of a healthy body and healthy life but as part of a regimen that includes hiv medications. your sexual partners and your bodies vital organs will be thanking you for commencing treatment ASAP and getting that viral load of yours undectable...

    with love and respect
    a friend in HIV

  5. Thanks bud... I'm well aware of what "They" say & recommend.. This is MY path.. and I know my body would be in much better condition if I had never taken an HIV drug in the 1st place.. Again, thanks for your concern.. But this is my path :)

  6. Otterley, sorry to hear that your #s took a drop. Your positive attitude is definitely adding to your health. I am caught up in your drama of getting to Zero naturally. You mentioned earlier that a friend got his load to undetectable by consuming Coconut Oil, but the inconvenience of taking over a couple tablespoons of oil per day is understandable. I was wondering if you tried
    Lauricidin the active acid in Coc. oil. easier to take pill form...curious if this would have an effect. Also back on Earth Clinic I've been following the posts by Oscar and his success in eliminating Hep C with BHT. Took him years of daily dosing but he appears to have succeeded..I am curious if the same protocol would have any effect on HIV..just a thought, understanding that HIV another Lipid Coated virus, but seems more effective at hiding in the body. I respect your approach and am glad you are getting the tri-monthly testing. would help if you told us what, if any, protocol your partner was taking/doing before he got ill.. One other thought Otterley, Mangosteen..though I am reluctant to mention it as it is a product that is mostly pushed through multi level (pyramid) marketing. Dr. Sahelian notes it has strong anti HIV qualities, but most of the info on the web is selling hype. There is a brand I buy Genesis Today at my local health store ..expensive but not a pyramid scheme at least..Best of Health To You!!

  7. also, one other product that has my curiosity is ProAlgaZyme.. there was a video news report posted on youtube and also this study posted (near bottom)

    However, the company, again another aggressive multi-level marketer appears more bent on $50 8oz bottle. Being a simple algae in water, my guess it would be easy to make as a home remedy...but what is the algae and the method???

  8. Thanks SO much for writing Tom.. YOU'RE the reason why I began my blog. To have positive discussion's about other natural possibilities. ~ As for my numbers going down, I'm not to worried. I can't tell you how stressed I was for 2 months straight worrying about my colonoscopy... and also, I hadn't taken my vitamin/regimen for 9 hours before blood work because I was fasting for my cholesterol test. So between major stress, no sleep, & not taking my regimen, I feel that's what did it...

    I tried Coconut Oil & Lauricidin and found no difference in my viral load. So far all I've found is Olive Leaf is the one that packs the big true punch. I started taking Hyssop as a second possible viral fighter. So we'll see in a few weeks if there is any number change with using both.

    If I don't see any change using Hyssop, I'll then look into Mangosteen. And I did watch the video a few years back about ProAlgaZyme... I did use to take Spirulina couple years back, but again not a big change in numbers... I would love to find that ONE extra supplement that gives that extra punch along side of Olive Leaf. One that you can take safely at what ever dose needed.... it'll happen!!! I'm gonna find it :)

  9. yes, there are answers out there.. Oscar (Earth Clinic) is a good example of someone curing himself (HepC) outside the common narrative or mainstream. BHT is not exactly natural but outside
    the standard drug protocol and without the side effects.. Like you, glad the drugs are there and advancing but not convinced it is the only way.. Seems that anti-body development could be around the corner.. hope so. Will tune in in April...thanks.

  10. I'm really enjoying your blog and looking forward to your next post and new labs. Hope they are continuing to improve. I recently (1 month ago) became ill with sero-conversion to HIV with terrible #'s. VL over 10million and T-cells 518. I myself am a nurse and am quite obsessive about nutrition and supplementation even before I was diagnosed positive. I've been doing my own research and gathing up my herbs to begin my own "alternative treatment test" to improve my numbers before considering HAART meds. Most of what I've found are things you've recently been using i.e. Olive leaf extract. A few of the things I've found in older articles without any further supporting information is: Thymus extract and Bittermelon extract. Both of which I plan to begin as soon as my initial #'s reach their set point. Right now they are fluxuating greatly weekly as my immune system regains some balance. As someone who studied and worked in HIV for several years the use of retention enemas for liver dexotificatioin and delivery of herbs has struck a cord with me. Anatomically HIV lives in larger clusters in the intestines the hardest place to reach with oral medications as gastric juices weaken their potency. Delivery of high dose viral killer supplments in a liquid form (i.e. teas) through a retention enema has got me wondering how effective it may be. Coffee enemas have proven to detoxify the liver and blood and is used extensively with the Gerson therapy. Have you considered or used any of these I've mentioned above: "Bittermelon, Thymus extract or retention enemas" ?Thanks so much and I look forward to your next post.
    ~Jai, Portland, OR

    1. Actually I just started rereading (and considering again) enemas.. There was a site (that just this past week I was reading) that listed ingredients to mix for viral killing enemas.. So I'll probably be giving that a shot if my lab's come back decent :)

      I have read on Bittermelon & Thymus but haven't tried them yet.. And I wonder if the reason I haven't is because of possible side effects when using them long term..?.. I'll have to reread on them :) ..... I always use Olive Leaf because it really kicks ass, & there are no side effects using it daily & long term. I'm trying right now along side of Olive Leaf, Hyssop.. I had read a few good articles on it. So we'll see!

      Thanks SO much for writing, and please keep me posted on what's working for you! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. But Dr. Itua, Traditional Herbal Practitioner in Africa, Have cured for HIV which is extracted from some rare herbals. It is highly potential to cure AIDS 100% without any residue. Dr Itua herbal medicine has already passed various blogs on how he use his powerful herbals to heal all kind of diseases such as. Herpes, HIV, Diabetes, Hepatitis,Hpv,Weak Erection,Wart Remover,Cold Sore, Epilepsy, also his herbal boost immune system as well. I'm telling this because he uses his herbal medicine to cure me from hepatitis B and HIV, which i have being living for 9 months now with no side effect. The Herbal Medicine is just as good when drinking it although i have to use rest room after drinking it which I do not really care about because i just want to get the virus out of my body, I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone sick out here to contact Dr Itua with this following information.
    Whatsapp Or Call...+2348149277967.
    He might be late to respond because he always busy with patent, but he will surely get back to you with positive response.
