These past 2 months were a bit crazy.. All on my part really. I can tend to be a hypochondriac. I’m now 40, so two months ago I felt I should have a real good physical... So.. I went worried about having my prostate checked. And everything was fine... No hernia... Blood pressure good.. Then because of my mom having polyps in her mid to late 30’s they felt it would be good for me to get a Colonoscopy. And I did mention to my doctor I had seen some blood around my stool 3 times in the last 3 years. So I just knew I had cancer..
So since I was going to be out on anesthesia during the Colonoscopy, I told them to give me a Endoscopy as well. I’ve always had Acid Reflux my whole life. I just wanted to check to see if I still had an esophagus. lol.. And of course I made the appointment for the procedure 1st thing in the morning. I knew I’d be starving.
By the day of the procedure I was just plain over it & wanting to know if I was all good, or had cancer.. I was so over stressing about it... So! Bada’ Bing ~ all was good. They found 1 polyp & it came back benign. He had told me that it might not had even been a real polyp. Maybe just a ruffed up area from cleaning out the day before. And the blood that I saw those 3 times was probably from the hemorrhoids.. (yeah, I found out I have hemorrhoids.. lol). My stomach results showed mild acid reflux. And he felt I didn’t need any prescription. Just Tums or Zantac when needed.
Exactly a week later I had my blood work taken for my HIV & cholesterol. And today (2 weeks later) I went for my results. My cholesterol, liver, kidneys, sugar, white cell count, etc was great. BUT my Tcell’s went from the 800’s to the high 600’s. And my Viral went from 26,449 (the lowest I had ever had it using all natural supplement’s) to 100,000... :(
Hmm?... My numbers have been consistent for 5 years. I’m not worried about my Tcell’s, they’ve always bounced from the high 600’s to 800’s. And my viral has always bounce from 26,000’s up to 50,000 using natural supplements... I feel the big jump to 100,000 is from not being able to take my regimen the morning of my blood work because I needed to fast for the cholesterol test (It had been 9 hours since I took my regimen). And maybe also from being mega stressed from the colonoscopy/endoscopy procedure and possible results.. (I was SO stressed my face broke out)... and I had also read this: "Time of day, fatigue, and stress can also affect viral load values".... But, I feel the number jump was more from the fasting for the test. ~
So anyway, I’m not to worried. For the most part I’m pretty darn healthy :)
I go on April 2nd to get my blood work taken again. Then I get my results on April 9th. I’ll be talk’n to ya then! Hopefully with better results :)