Lab update! My viral load went down from 49,000 to 26,449 (again, I started from 200,000 after stopping the antiviral drugs). And my T-cells went from 845 to 787 (no biggie, they always flux from 700's to high 800's).
It was exciting to see my viral load the lowest I've seen it. I've taken a small break in search of another natural antiviral to help bring down my viral load even more. The Olive Leaf does a Hell of a job though! ~ But if anyone has suggestions of another natural antiviral "that has worked for them" speak up!
I've tried Coconut Oil & Oil of Oregano. They didn't work for me. But they did work for a friend. They brought him to undetectable! He did however take a lot.. lol.. If I can remember, it was 10 capsules of Coconut Oil 3 times a day. And I'm really not sure how much Oregano Oil. Maybe 5 to 7 capsules 3 times a day. Again, not sure on the Oil of Oregano.. But it was a lot.
Good quality Oil of Oregano is expensive. And in order to see your viral load drop you need to take a good amount of it. I guess I stopped taking it because of that reason. That and taking a large amount kills your Flora. There for you would then need to take a probiotic. ~ And there's another pill added to your regimen! lol
So that's my update. My next blood work results will be in 4 months (February 20, 2012). I'll probably start researching soon to find a second natural antiviral to add to my regimen. And again, if someone has a suggestion of something that has worked for them, let me know! :)
Here is my current regimen:
Cell Forte IP-6 & Inositol Ultra Strength Powder: 3 grams in the a.m.
Vitamin C: 1000mg 3x's a day
ROEX Oleuropein: 1 gram in a.m., 500mg middle of day, and 500mg @ night
Multi-Vitamin: 1 in the a.m.
My Primitive Cocktail is a place to discuss alternative treatments for HIV. I support those who only use "Western" medicine but wanted to share natural solutions that have worked for me. I encourage others to share their success stories with natural treatments including natural supplements, nutrition, acupuncture, Reike, etc. I want this blog to be a solution-focused site so please refrain from negative comments. We each have our own path.